Tag Archives: Ice cube

Gotta Love Fred

24 Mar

I have a thing for crafty little gift shops, the kind with way overpriced stationery and funny gadgets. I really do and today after a lunch downtown I decided to hit up two of my favourites: Land & Sea and Papyrus. Okay, so Papyrus is more upscale and more sophisticated than funny (they sell Kate Spade …), but God do they have beautiful things there. I ran into some products in Land & Sea that have been catching my eye for the past few years. They are by a company called Fred and I think they are all cool, well designed and ingenious!!!

I first took note a few years back when I caught sight of their sinking ships ice cube trays. Of course it has a great name: Gin and Titonic … So funny LOL.

image from http://www.worldwidefred.com

While I suddenly couldn’t imagine throwing a party without them, I passed reluctantly. I have amased enough ice cube trays in fun shapes from IKEA already, not as fun as this, but c’mon, X and O ice cubes are pretty cute. Even though Mr. Somewhat once told a child point blank that I was a witch and that is how I made the ice into X’s and O’s – true story.

Then this past Christmas while browsing in Indigo I came across the perfect gifts, again from Fred, for my Guitar-loving Dad:

image from http://www.punk.com

I thought they were perfect, but then wondered if my Dad would ever use the Cheetah or … well, any of them except the brown one LOL. Behold! Another cool Fred sighting at Indigo that my Dad would probably use!

image from http://www.worldwidefred.com

Fred certainly does have a thing for ice cube trays … Please note, my Dad received neither of these from me for Christmas and does not use the internet or a computer at all for that matter, so please don’t tell him about these – I may be giving them this year LOL. Oh, and for the record, because my Dad loves to test my guitar knowledge, the red guitar in the photo above is a Gibson Les Paul … even though he will not read this LOL.

So when I got home today I decided to give their site a whirl and see what other stuff they are up to. Wow, I want to order one of everything please!

Some of my favourites – well, there are too many – but these are the things that would probably get the most bang for the buck … all of the following images are from www.worldwidefred.com. Check them out!

The cutest paperclips known to man … or should I say woman …

Silicone cupcake “papers” that look like tea cups! Take that my flowery Wilton ones, someone has one-cupped you!

And what party for adults or kids would not be just a little more fun with these nose cups … ?

And wouldn’t this just make any meal with a picky-eater toddler managable? At least you would have a creative break before the meal dressing up the face!

So today I am loving Fred. How could you not?