Tag Archives: projects

… and in the end …

18 Nov

… is the begining. I meant to start a blog over 7 years ago. Shameful, I know. There are a lot of reasons I didn’t, or excuses I suppose. Now I am obsessed with the blogs of so many others I wish I had started mine back when I first thought of it and I could be where they are now. A blog can really be life changing. I hope mine is for me, but most of all, I want somewhere that encourages me to write and create again. I have been ignoring my creative side for too long and if you knew me, that side is really all of me …

So today, at 8:00 am MST I am starting to pay attention to the real me. Of course, being a visual person I immediately started browsing themes. Then I realised that *really* isn’t the most important thing to do, as much as it pains me to say that … to make it “official” I need to write. So here I am. I just treked home in -14C winter weather after working a 7 hour overnight shift, my 3 year old is next to me playing with a stapler and the tape dispenser and I am freezing, but all I really want to do is write!

This is my blog “On the corner of W and Somewhat.” It is named after a painting I made in high school which still hangs in my old bedroom at my Mom’s house and hopefully will someday grace the header of this blog. I vaguely remember the premise for the project, I do know that we had to design the composition of the painting on the computer and then reproduce it on a canvas, but I don’t remember much else. Despite it’s obvious origins in a much less sophisticated computerized world, I still love it, and it’s funny title, so when it came time to nail down starting a blog I could only really settle on it. So welcome, anyone who reads this … months or years from now LOL. I plan to share my life here … my art, my writing, my interior decorating, my projects, my rants, my thoughts and hopefully make some blog-friends. This is just the begining.